Pet Peeves.

Today’s post is supposed to be about my top 5 pet peeves, but to be honest, all of my pet peeves involve people.  People in general annoy the absolute shit out of me.  So, today I have for you, just a few of the MANY types of people that piss me off.

1) Ex’s.  Saying that you and your ex are best friends now is a big ass lie.  Deep down you still have a huge grudge towards him/her for cheating on you with that downgrade they’re with now.  The worst is when you move on to someone SO much better, and then they start making you feel bad for finding someone else!  Like, excuse me bitch, but you dumped me, remember?  I say once you date someone, just murder them after so they’ll never reappear in your life again!  Life would be so much easier if we all knew exactly who we were going to end up with from the get-go.  No dating, no getting dumped, no love-crazed psycho stalkers…Life would be SO much easier!

2) People who post videos on Instagram of them working out.  I will never understand the point of this… Are you trying to impress us?  Are you trying to motivate us?  Are you wanting us to envy your want and desire to be up at 5 in the morning to pump some iron?  Yeah, sorry… None of those are working for me.  Keep posting those super awkward clips of you making uncomfortable panting sounds as you lift those weights… Just expect one less follower!

3) Alabama fans.  One word: bandwagon.  I believe the requirements to be accepted into the Roll Tide school is be “the typical white girl” or look like you came out of a Polo Ralph Lauren magazine, own at least 10 pairs of Sperry’s or Birks, be able to fake a southern accent, be able to act like you know the rules of football, and look like the next Miss America.  Bam.  So, if you’re one of those people who want to go to college to get an education, Alabama is not the right fit for you!

4) People who have to sing louder than the radio.  If I wanted to hear your angelic voice, I would tell you to serenade me.  But am I?  No.  I want to hear Katy Perry “Roar,” not you.  If you believe you’re talented enough, go on America’s Got Talent, and Howard Stern will give you a reality check for sure!

5) People who always have to one up you.  Don’t you dare say anything to these people, because no matter what comes out of your mouth, you’re going to regret it immediately.  “I can’t go out tonight, I have the flu.”  They’re response?  “I went out and partied with the flu AND a concussion!”  Or how about, “I bought the cutest dress today!”  “Yeah, well, I went shopping yesterday and bought 5 dresses and the most expensive pair of heels to go along with them all!”  We all know these types of people… Stay away.

Feel free to comment about the types of people that piss you off because there are more posts about this topic to come!!

-Yours Truly(:

My Dream Careers

This is only my second personal blog post from this challenge I’m doing, and I HATE it.  Who truly wants to read about my boring life?…  So, why not try to make my not-so-interesting life more exciting to my fabulous viewers.  First thing’s first: I was not your stereotypical kid.  While others dreamt about how they wanted to become the next Bill Gates or Brett Favre, my dreams were more original.  I went through three phases, all of which I still wish would come true.


2001-Elle Woods became my idol.  My closet quickly turned into a Pepto-Bismol infested nightmare, while my dreams and aspirations soared!  I wanted to be the next big-shot lawyer in D.C. who everyone is enamored by in the end.  She got into Harvard Law, found her soul mate, AND had time to accessorize her chihuahua, Bruiser!  I mean, come on ladies, she’s a god!!


2008-Shelley, the former Playboy bunny, changed my goals in life completely.  Instead of wanting to become the next big political figure, I decided that posing nude for one of the classiest men’s magazines would be the best career in the world!  I mean sure, sleeping with an 80-year-old man is a little nasty, but it’s money!  A lot of money!  Plus, you get free housing and food in one of the prettiest mansions in the world!  What’s better than that?!  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the ultimate dream!


2014-Disney Princesses enchanted my world.  This year, I took my first trip to Disney World, and as I was there, I had an epiphany!  My calling in life is to be a Disney Princess and make little girls’ dreams come true!  How great of a job would that be?!  Pure bliss!

So yeah, any of those three careers would be ideal for me to have in 10 years!  If only… Personally, the Playboy bunny sounds the most exciting, but any of them would be great!

-Yours Truly(: 

True Love

(first one I saw on Pinterest, so here goes nothing!)
(first one I saw on Pinterest, so here goes nothing!)

Second post in one day??  This is SO unlike me, but I’ve decided I’m going to try out a blog challenge this summer! I have a different topic to write on each day, some more personal than others, and I’m determined to keep up with it all summer long!  If you have any topics for me to write on, just comment and let me know!  I’m going to apologize in advance if some topics are more heated than others, just keep in mind that I’m a very sassy person with a very stubborn personality!  Anyways, let’s start things off with a little romance!

Day 1: Relationship Status.

Well, this is an interesting topic for me to be writing about considering I was always that girl who boys avoided in the hallway.  I must have gone through some great change however, because I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!  There’s no cute story to go along with it though.  How we met?  He followed me to my car and asked me for my number… Then, BAM.  I turned a once-manwhore into the lovable and trustworthy man that he is today!

He’s currently away at basic training for the military, and let me tell you: the military is NO joke.  I give props to military wives who go through year-long deployments without seeing their husbands!  Two months is hard enough… I can’t even begin to imagine a whole year!

One thing you should know about me is that I don’t use the “L” word freely.  I’m a big believer in the three stages of love: 1) Love 2) In Love 3) True Love.  My theory is that Love can be with anyone who means a lot to you, such as your family, friends, God, etc.  Being In Love with someone is the next level that you would use towards your significant other.  Then, True Love is after you’re In Love long enough to see yourself having a future with your significant other, such as getting married and/or starting a family!  Personally, I believe it’s a great theory and one I think about often.  I’m at the True Love stage with my amazing boyfriend.  I’ve dated in the past, but nothing can compare to what I have right now.  It’s so cheesy, but I’ve never been this happy before!  I can’t wait to say goodnight when we both go to sleep on the same bed, under one roof, have our meal on our dinner table, and to lay down cuddling on our couch!  I can see a bright future ahead with this guy, and I pray to God it works out exactly how I envision!

-Yours Truly(:

The “Follow Me” Generation

You know exactly who I’m talking about: every teenager who’s on social media.  Beginning with MySpace, then onto Facebook, and now Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr, these kids have grown up with social media everywhere.  It’s a way of life, and for a lot of them, it’s become a part of how they function.  As many of these kids are graduating high school and moving into the real world, I’m beginning to notice the severity of the effects that social media has cast upon this world.  The “Follow Me” generation contains arguably some of the most conceited people our society has ever seen.  

Remember in high school when you would either sit at the popular kid lunch table or envy the people that were?  Now-a-days, kids are facing this same popularity issue, but over social media.  The more twitter followers you have, determines your self-worth.  There are SO many problems with this!  Unless you’re private on Twitter and Instagram, ANYONE can follow you.  That means that if a 65-year-old man decides to click that follow button, he’s going to see that you’re “headed to the tanning bed,” “having a sleepover with the bestie!” or even view your weekly #SelfieSunday.  There are so many dangers with that in-of-itself, but I’m focusing on one for now:  This one follow from a complete stranger (who may just be a pedophile prying on its next victim), is boosting your self-esteem.  How is this okay?!  A lot of kids in this generation believe that the more followers they have, the more important they become.  They become obsessed with who’s following who, who they’re following and who of those people aren’t following them back, and how many more followers they have than everyone else they associate themselves with.  It’s become an obsession; an obsession that’s corrupting their brains.   

Teenagers believe that the more followers they have online, the more friends they have.  This problem goes back to the old man scenario.  Back when I tried out Twitter, over half of my followers were people I had never seen before.  Insanely enough, some of these Twitter fanatics see these strangers as an increase in their friend circle.  These teenagers feel better about themselves because of these follows they’re receiving from complete strangers!  Does anyone else see something wrong with this?!  How can we fix this, and how can we get this generation to realize the complexity of this problem?!Image