Tag Archives: Long Distance Relationship

True Love

(first one I saw on Pinterest, so here goes nothing!)
(first one I saw on Pinterest, so here goes nothing!)

Second post in one day??  This is SO unlike me, but I’ve decided I’m going to try out a blog challenge this summer! I have a different topic to write on each day, some more personal than others, and I’m determined to keep up with it all summer long!  If you have any topics for me to write on, just comment and let me know!  I’m going to apologize in advance if some topics are more heated than others, just keep in mind that I’m a very sassy person with a very stubborn personality!  Anyways, let’s start things off with a little romance!

Day 1: Relationship Status.

Well, this is an interesting topic for me to be writing about considering I was always that girl who boys avoided in the hallway.  I must have gone through some great change however, because I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!  There’s no cute story to go along with it though.  How we met?  He followed me to my car and asked me for my number… Then, BAM.  I turned a once-manwhore into the lovable and trustworthy man that he is today!

He’s currently away at basic training for the military, and let me tell you: the military is NO joke.  I give props to military wives who go through year-long deployments without seeing their husbands!  Two months is hard enough… I can’t even begin to imagine a whole year!

One thing you should know about me is that I don’t use the “L” word freely.  I’m a big believer in the three stages of love: 1) Love 2) In Love 3) True Love.  My theory is that Love can be with anyone who means a lot to you, such as your family, friends, God, etc.  Being In Love with someone is the next level that you would use towards your significant other.  Then, True Love is after you’re In Love long enough to see yourself having a future with your significant other, such as getting married and/or starting a family!  Personally, I believe it’s a great theory and one I think about often.  I’m at the True Love stage with my amazing boyfriend.  I’ve dated in the past, but nothing can compare to what I have right now.  It’s so cheesy, but I’ve never been this happy before!  I can’t wait to say goodnight when we both go to sleep on the same bed, under one roof, have our meal on our dinner table, and to lay down cuddling on our couch!  I can see a bright future ahead with this guy, and I pray to God it works out exactly how I envision!

-Yours Truly(: