My Dream Careers

This is only my second personal blog post from this challenge I’m doing, and I HATE it.  Who truly wants to read about my boring life?…  So, why not try to make my not-so-interesting life more exciting to my fabulous viewers.  First thing’s first: I was not your stereotypical kid.  While others dreamt about how they wanted to become the next Bill Gates or Brett Favre, my dreams were more original.  I went through three phases, all of which I still wish would come true.


2001-Elle Woods became my idol.  My closet quickly turned into a Pepto-Bismol infested nightmare, while my dreams and aspirations soared!  I wanted to be the next big-shot lawyer in D.C. who everyone is enamored by in the end.  She got into Harvard Law, found her soul mate, AND had time to accessorize her chihuahua, Bruiser!  I mean, come on ladies, she’s a god!!


2008-Shelley, the former Playboy bunny, changed my goals in life completely.  Instead of wanting to become the next big political figure, I decided that posing nude for one of the classiest men’s magazines would be the best career in the world!  I mean sure, sleeping with an 80-year-old man is a little nasty, but it’s money!  A lot of money!  Plus, you get free housing and food in one of the prettiest mansions in the world!  What’s better than that?!  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the ultimate dream!


2014-Disney Princesses enchanted my world.  This year, I took my first trip to Disney World, and as I was there, I had an epiphany!  My calling in life is to be a Disney Princess and make little girls’ dreams come true!  How great of a job would that be?!  Pure bliss!

So yeah, any of those three careers would be ideal for me to have in 10 years!  If only… Personally, the Playboy bunny sounds the most exciting, but any of them would be great!

-Yours Truly(: 

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