Tag Archives: Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves.

Today’s post is supposed to be about my top 5 pet peeves, but to be honest, all of my pet peeves involve people.  People in general annoy the absolute shit out of me.  So, today I have for you, just a few of the MANY types of people that piss me off.

1) Ex’s.  Saying that you and your ex are best friends now is a big ass lie.  Deep down you still have a huge grudge towards him/her for cheating on you with that downgrade they’re with now.  The worst is when you move on to someone SO much better, and then they start making you feel bad for finding someone else!  Like, excuse me bitch, but you dumped me, remember?  I say once you date someone, just murder them after so they’ll never reappear in your life again!  Life would be so much easier if we all knew exactly who we were going to end up with from the get-go.  No dating, no getting dumped, no love-crazed psycho stalkers…Life would be SO much easier!

2) People who post videos on Instagram of them working out.  I will never understand the point of this… Are you trying to impress us?  Are you trying to motivate us?  Are you wanting us to envy your want and desire to be up at 5 in the morning to pump some iron?  Yeah, sorry… None of those are working for me.  Keep posting those super awkward clips of you making uncomfortable panting sounds as you lift those weights… Just expect one less follower!

3) Alabama fans.  One word: bandwagon.  I believe the requirements to be accepted into the Roll Tide school is be “the typical white girl” or look like you came out of a Polo Ralph Lauren magazine, own at least 10 pairs of Sperry’s or Birks, be able to fake a southern accent, be able to act like you know the rules of football, and look like the next Miss America.  Bam.  So, if you’re one of those people who want to go to college to get an education, Alabama is not the right fit for you!

4) People who have to sing louder than the radio.  If I wanted to hear your angelic voice, I would tell you to serenade me.  But am I?  No.  I want to hear Katy Perry “Roar,” not you.  If you believe you’re talented enough, go on America’s Got Talent, and Howard Stern will give you a reality check for sure!

5) People who always have to one up you.  Don’t you dare say anything to these people, because no matter what comes out of your mouth, you’re going to regret it immediately.  “I can’t go out tonight, I have the flu.”  They’re response?  “I went out and partied with the flu AND a concussion!”  Or how about, “I bought the cutest dress today!”  “Yeah, well, I went shopping yesterday and bought 5 dresses and the most expensive pair of heels to go along with them all!”  We all know these types of people… Stay away.

Feel free to comment about the types of people that piss you off because there are more posts about this topic to come!!

-Yours Truly(: